Monday, 5 May 2014

Windows Phone Dev. Began.

Introduction of Windows Phone Development- 

It all starts from App Hub, the home of every Windows Phone developer. From App Hub you’ll be able to download tools, register as a developer and submit your apps to the marketplace. It also contains a ton of create articles, from “XNA Game Studio or Silverlight: Which Product is Right for Me?” to articles explaining the execution model of Windows Phone.

Ladies are gentlemen, please welcome Silverlight,

This article will focus on using Silverlight in Windows Phone-development. Silverlight is a great technology that has had me hooked since version 1.1 Alpha. I’ve followed it from Web to Desktop and now to the Phone.
Silverlight allows you to create visually stunning applications across all of these platforms. I’m going to explain a couple of basic things: C#, XAML, events and the tooling. After that you’ll be ready go wild with Silverlight in your own projects. I dare to say that after you understand how to create a clickable button you’ll be ready to create those…killer apps ;)

Making it HOT with Metro – What does Metro mean in Windows Phone?
Knowing how to create applications is important, but it’s also important to make them POP! Windows Phone differentiates itself from competition with many things, but one of the biggest differences is definitely the Metro design language.
We’ll talk about what exactly is “Metro”, it’s not just blue rectangles and white icons ;) We’ll also look a bit from where did Metro come from and check out some tips on how to apply Metro in your application.

When just one isn’t enough – Windows Phone Navigation
Some applications work well with one page, but often you’d want to use more than one page in your application. We’ll check how to navigate between pages, pass data and list some good to know things about navigation on the Windows Phone. On Windows Phone the Navigation API is pretty simple and straightforward, but it might take a while to understand how navigation works with the Back- and Start-buttons.

Creating data-centric application applications
Often applications consume data from web services and display it to the user in different forms. In this article we’ll look at binding data to your user interface and avoid writing your own glue to update the data source / user interface.

Multitasking on the Windows Phone might be one of the most confusing things, some say it’s supported and others say that it’s not. We’ll look at the execution model and look at the application lifecycle. In short: Does it support MultiTasking? Yes. Can your applications run even when they aren’t on the foreground? Yeah…there is not “in short”, for this. Maybe you should just read this section.

Sensors and location

So what type of sensors you have on the Windows Phone, which ones of these are optional? We’ll see how to use the accelerometer, location services and how to use the new 7.1 emulator tools to simulate values for these.

Using Live Tiles

The last thing we’ll talk about is how to update the Live Tile of your Windows Phone application. In 7.0 we had to go through the cloud, but now we can update these directly from our application code.

 We will coming soon with more Windows phone development blogs... Stay Tuned for development...

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